Amplify Mission - Increase Social Value 

Presented by: Holmes, Radford & Reynolds, Inc.


It’s all about Mission.


The multiple challenges our community faces in this moment inspire all of us to be innovative, creative, and strategic to ensure the continuation of critical nonprofit missions for St. Louis.

The goal of the Nonprofit Synergy Alliance is simple – to advance stronger, more effective, and more sustainable nonprofits who aim to increase their impact in St. Louis.


Synergistic Solutions

Synergy creates a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. Whether your vision is collaboration, strategic partnerships, consolidation, or merger, we can help you restructure for maximum impact.


Nonprofit mergers and acquisitions are often an effective way to deliver more and better services at lower cost.
— “Why Nonprofit Mergers Continue to Lag”
Stanford Social Innovation Review

Nonprofit Merger Experts St. Louis


Our consortium of experts provides a continuum of services to support nonprofit restructuring.

Our team of trusted advisors can help your nonprofit address:

  • Merger Exploration and Facilitation

  • Nonprofit Law

  • Human Resources

  • Accounting, Benefits, and Payroll

  • Fund Development

  • Communications and Branding

  • Program Evaluation

  • Information Technology

  • Board Engagement and Development

Nonprofit Merger Process

Our Process

Holmes, Radford presents the Nonprofit Synergy Alliance to support nonprofits in their goal to perpetuate mission and increase impact.

With decades of experience in the sector, we facilitate a holistic, tailored process to explore restructuring possibilities. We collaborate with our client partners to develop a tailored roadmap for the future that inspires executive leaders, engages boards, encourages constituents, advances philanthropy, and accelerates organizational culture.

Nonprofit Merger Benefits

Tools and Resources

Not sure whether a strategic partnership or merger is right for your organization? We understand that this is not a simple undertaking, but one that requires careful planning and tact.

These resources will give you a framework for exploring merger as a strategy for your organization.

Nonprofit Merger Group

“In 88% of the cases we studied, nonprofits reported that their organization was better off after the merger in terms of achieving organizational goals and increasing collective impact.”

— “Nonprofit Mergers That Work,” Stanford Social Innovation Review



Feel free to contact us with any questions, we’d love to hear from you.


(314) 308-8038