A collaboration of experience to help organizations amplify their mission.
Our Story
Long before Covid, the nonprofit sector was experiencing a dynamically changing environment challenging most organizations and their missions in a variety of ways: raising more money during a time when funding resources and donors are changing; finding a way to be unique among too many nonprofits providing the same or similar services; Executive Directors retiring and the difficulty of attracting a skilled workforce; addressing legal issues and new legislation; the even greater importance of financial management for the organization; program development and evaluation; creating a compelling brand story; and of course, changing to address the impact of Covid.
It’s no wonder many nonprofit leaders are concerned about what tomorrow will bring for their clients, their organizations, and even their team members.
In the spirit of collaboration, six independent companies, each representing a key aspect needed in the aligning of organizations, have come together to help assure the future of a strong St. Louis nonprofit sector. The Nonprofit Synergy Alliance includes experienced leaders in the areas of fundraising, human resources, legal, accounting, program evaluation, strategic planning, board development, branding, and communications.
The goal of the Nonprofit Synergy Alliance is simple – to advance stronger, more effective, and more sustainable nonprofits who aim to increase their impact in St. Louis.
With collaboration among nonprofit leadership sure to be an important conversation going forward, the members of the Nonprofit Synergy Alliance have come together to be the single resource to help Executive Directors and their organization’s boards facilitate conversation and implement change.